Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What Can We Do for Virginia Tech?

A most of you know, there was a horrible shooting this morning (April 16, 2007) on the campus of Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg, Va. There were over 30 killed–making it the most deadly attack on a school campus in United States history.

Many of you know Seth Terrell, one of my best friends from Freed-Hardeman University. He is currently working within campus ministry for the students of Virginia Tech. He has been there for a few months now. I spoke with him earlier, and apparently the students involved in the Church of Christ campus ministry were not injured. While that is really good news, there are still so many people who are hurting with this from other denominations and faith traditions.

Given the scope of this tragedy, it is obvious that something needs to be done. What I am calling for here is a discussion on possible ways we can minister to the families and friends of those injured or killed. Perhaps there are some things that college students, or anyone else for that matter, from Churches of Christ can do. It is time to step it up.

And if not through this blog, then use some other way to get involved. Please.

Here are a few things I thought of:

1. Pray for this situation. We will will never see any real progress without God here. We are going to have to organize prayer groups and group fasting.

2. Communicate electronically to express our sympathy. If everyone calls people like Seth 4,000 times a day they will not be able to get anything done. I have started a facebook group called Ministry for Virginia Tech. Please join and use the discussion board and wall.

3. What else? Send people? Send money?

We can use the comments section of this post or the discussion board on the facebook group Ministry for Virginia Tech to get some conversation going.

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