Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I Love Coffee Shops

I love the whole coffee shop atmosphere. I love just about every aspect about them. The coffee. The pastries. The sound of steaming milk. The lighting. The type of people that come in and out so often. The music. The smell—maybe that more than anything. I don’t know what it is about the coffee making process, but I’ll even admit that coffee smells better than it tastes!

I live in Abilene, TX now and have been really impressed with the coffee shop scene there. There is one in every single part of town—there is even a Starbucks in the library at ACU! And, for the most part, they have really good coffee and service.

Ironically the best coffee in town, in my rarely humble opinion, is that of Peet’s—in a grocery store! They have one called Major Dickason’s Blend that is my favorite coffee in town. It is bold—as it should be—but instead of being bitter and leaving a rough taste in your mouth, it is juicy and complex. But it is not acidic—I can’t stand acidic coffee. It smells almost buttery when it is in the bag. I highly recommend!

You know, I really can understand people not liking coffee. I feel sorry for them, but I understand. What I cannot understand is people liking gross, watered down coffee. I am sorry, but Sunday school coffee is absolutely disgusting.

But it holds no candle at all in comparison to powdered creamer. Oh, holy word. What an astonishingly vile substance if there ever was one.

But you know one thing I think is cool? Cool, but ironic. The very year I leave the little metropolis of Henderson, TN they get a really great coffee shop right downtown. These guys do it all. They roast their own beans and make their own blends. And they are not too bad if I do say. It is called Besso’s. Kudos.

What makes me mad is that in Montgomery—a city about 3-4 times the size of Abilene, and about 60+ times the size of Henderson—has only 2 coffee shops other than Starbucks. No mom-and-pops. What a shame. But, in the business owner’s defense, Montgomery hasn’t supported the ones that have shown up from time to time. They always go out of business within a year or two of being in business. It is kinda messed up, if you ask me. But you know what? They didn’t! And I doubt they ever will.

I have no idea why I just told you that. Venting, I guess. They say it is healthy to vent. So I did.

I don’t know that this post has much of a point, but I am sitting in a coffee shop writing and playing on my computer. XM 26 is on the stereo in the background. I have a city street running right beside me. I am, in this moment, happy. I just wanted to tell you that. I don’t do that enough.

My coffee is cold. I think it is time for another cup. My best.

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